Has lockdown left you disconnected?
I don’t know about you, but this year I’ve felt more disconnected to myself and my body than ever before. With SO much change in the world, it’s been so easy to get pulled in all different directions and feel all over the place.
We get caught up in the chaos and the noise, the unsettled feeling of the unknown and get lost in future-orientated thinking.
The current state of uncertainty, busy-ness and "noise" can block our most primal relationship - that with our body. Ignoring the body’s natural signals is what usually leads to ill health. In the last few months I know so many people have found their eating out of whack, they’ve struggled to keep up their fitness and hormones and stress levels have been totally haywire.
The first step to healing, either a physical or emotional ailment, is always going back to the body. If you can’t understand what your body needs, how can you give it what it craves? This usually means taking time out to get off the grind and hustle, switching off your phone/TV and to take time to notice, understand and connect with the body.
Oh, and by the way, this isn’t something exclusive to certain people. Everyone can become more in tune with a little focus, work and practice.
Now that things are starting to settle a little, in this post I want to help you learn easy and practical ways to RECONNECT to your body so you can beautifully fall back into a place of harmony and well-being.
1) Sit in silence. And no I don’t mean whilst scrolling through Instagram. Silence can feel super uncomfortable, because we are SO used to noise, information and demands on our time and attention. When we jump off the merry-go-round for a while and get silent, we tune into our deeper self. Try taking just five minutes in your day to sit in silence and just be present. You don’t need to worry about emptying all thoughts from your head; instead simply notice the thoughts, letting them go and returning to your centre. And whilst in silence….
2) Ask yourself one question every day: “What does my body need right now?” if you truly stop and listen, you’ll notice your body asks for exactly what it needs. Nutritious food? Hydration? Rest? Laughter? Fun? Deep breathing? Disconnect from technically? The sun on your face? Are you holding tension, discomfort or stress anywhere in your body? Mentally scan your body from head to toe. What part of your body feels weak or tired? Do you have discomfort in any parts of your body that you've become so used to that you're simply ignoring it? Do you notice any emotions connected to your body? (For example do you feel sadness in your chest area, or a constriction in your throat relating to anger, or a sense of dread in the pit of your stomach?). I’ll say it again… what does my body need right now? Listen. Understand. Connect. Respond.
3) Slooooow down at meal times. Put your phone away. Turn your TV off. Look at your food like you never have before. Take deep breaths. Connect to the flavours, textures, sounds. When we disconnect from the eating experience, we feel unsatisfied, unfulfilled and often uncomfortable (hello bloating). When we are mindful and present whilst eating we feel fulfilled, energised, nourished and connected to the body.
4) Move your body in a way that feels good. Diet culture teaches us we must exercise to burn calories, lose weight, post progress pictures and to fit in societies ‘body ideal’. This creates a total disconnect from what your body actually wants and needs. So forget the rules and just listen! Some days you’ll feel like a slow stretch, some days you’ll want an intense HIIT blast and some days you’ll want to lift heavy things. Maybe some days you just want to walk or dance. Just listen, move and flow with it rather than forcing something that feels like a chore.
5) Touch yourself! Now I have your attention… ha ha. One way to reclaim our body space, and take back some of our power is to practice regular self-massage or self-touch. This doesn’t need to be anything fancy, but most days, take 5 minutes to massage the soles of the feet (amazing for sleep), do a scalp massage with essential oils, or moisturize your skin after a shower or bath. Ahhhh… bliss.
Like everything, this tuning into your body takes consistency and practice. The more you practice tuning in to your body, the more you'll respond to its needs in a wise and intelligent way. So lean in to listen, and be gracious with yourself. You’ll probably occasionally forget and lift the weights that are too heavy or eat the extra biscuit when your body is saying, “We are done here.” That’s ok, my love. When that happens, simply dust yourself off and recommit to listening.